
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2018

Learning Diary 2 A Sport Journalist

Ací teniu el link per al Learning Diary de la sessió 2. Voreu que us apareixen les pregunte referents a la sessió 1 i a la sessió 2. Els que ja heu fet la sessió 1, copieu sols les preguntes de la segona sessió. Learning Diary 1&2

S2 How to Debate

Watch this video to prepare your debate:

S.2 Different kinds of sports

Watch these two videos and complete the table: INDIVIDUAL SPORTS TEAM SPORTS BOTH POSSIBILITIES

Learning Diary 1 A sport Journalist

Here you go the link to complete your first learning diary for this project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J1DBR1xDXZ3-gn4e0RzRavj7V7AnoxYR7Tm55lyWusU/edit?usp=sharing

Video: Importance & Benefits of Sports on your health

While you are watching the video you should answer the following questions or complete the following chart: What do you think is positive about practicing sports? What do you think is negative about practicing sports? What do you think is interesting about practicing sports?  POSITIVE  NEGATIVE  INTERESTING Here you go the typescript to better follow the video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12JSb-4wr-pXKg95ij-6bMgLStieLo2t1K1BgdBjd76s/edit?usp=sharing

New Project!! A Sport Journalist

Hello everybody!! We are going to start a new project called A SPORT JOURNALIST. Remember to tag your posts with the hashtag #projectsportjournalist #iesmariaenriquez I hope you will enjoy this project!