
Mostrando entradas de 2018

My cookbook reflection

After having finished this project, what do you think you have learned? Reflect on the grammar and vocabulary you have learned along the project!

Final Learning Diary

It is necessary to answer this Final Learning Diary to get the Learning Diary point! Final Learning Diary

S.5 Collaborative Recipe Book

Find your slide and work on it! Collaborative Recipe Book

S.4 Learning Diary

Learning Diary 1, 2, 3 & 4

S.4 Poster Healthy Eating

Click on this link and add your ideas to the poster healthy eating poster

S.3 Learning Diary 3

Learning Diary 1,2&3

S.3 Grammar point and practice

Read and listen to this audio lesson website to learn how to use and the meaning of the verb WOULD LIKE WOULD LIKE+NOUN Now try these exercises! Did you get it? Would like to (Affirmative) Would like to (Negative) Would like to (Questions)

S.3 At the restaurant

Watch these videos and learn how to order in a restaurant! What new vocabulary and expressions have you learned?

S.2 Learning Diary 2

Learning diary 1 & 2

Websites for recipes

Cuisines food in every country

S.2 Collaborative Google Map

Click on this link and add your marker to create our own map about FOOD AROUND THE WORLD Collaborative Google Map

S.1 Learning Diary 1

Learning Diary 1


Welcome to this new project! I hope you enjoy and learn a lot!

Final Evaluation: Learning Diary

Here you are a link for the Final Evaluation. Read the questions carefully and answer honestly, please! Final Evaluation

Have fun studying!

Here you have some games to practice vocabulary and grammar points for the exam: Sports: Sports rally We use different verbs to talk about sports: Do , Play and Go . Do + individual sports / no ball sports (do judo / do athletics) Play + team sports / ball sports (play football / play golf) Go + -ing sports (go swimming) Do, play or go + sports test Do, play or go quiz Giving opinions: Do the "check your language" exercise Agreeing and disagreeing: Do the "check your language" exercise Frequency adverbs: Order the words 1 Order the words 2 Do the test Test answers Present continuous: playing football who wants to be a millionaire? doing a rally fling the teacher writing sentences present continuous memory game Present Simple vs. Present Continuous: snakes and ladders Simple or Continuous? Do the test Test answers Comparative and superlative adjectives: complete the sentences 1 Complete the sentences 2 Count down comparing

S.5. Learning Diary

Learning Diary 1 to 5

S.5. Comparative and Superlative Games

Do you really know how to make comparisons?? Try these great games! Studying shouldn't be sooo boring... sentence monkey 1 sentence monkey 2 compare

S.5. Video: Comparative and superlative adjectives

Watch this video to remember Comparative adjectives and learn Superlative adjectives! Do you understand everything? Go to the above post and try the games!

Learning Diary 4

Learning Diary 1,2,3&4

S.4 Giving advice: should / shouldn't

Watch this video to learn how to give advice in English!

Learning Diary 3

Ací teniu el learning diary 3. Com sempre, també teniu les preguntes del learning diary 1 i 2. learning diary 1,2&3

S.3 Present continuous GAMES!

Try this games out and practice Present Continuous tense!! football game rally game fling the teacher sentence monkey game memory game

S.3 Video: Answer the questions

Watch the following video and answer the three questions below: - What are you doing? - What is your friend doing? - What is your classmate on the right doing?

Learning Diary 2 A Sport Journalist

Ací teniu el link per al Learning Diary de la sessió 2. Voreu que us apareixen les pregunte referents a la sessió 1 i a la sessió 2. Els que ja heu fet la sessió 1, copieu sols les preguntes de la segona sessió. Learning Diary 1&2

S2 How to Debate

Watch this video to prepare your debate:

S.2 Different kinds of sports

Watch these two videos and complete the table: INDIVIDUAL SPORTS TEAM SPORTS BOTH POSSIBILITIES

Learning Diary 1 A sport Journalist

Here you go the link to complete your first learning diary for this project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J1DBR1xDXZ3-gn4e0RzRavj7V7AnoxYR7Tm55lyWusU/edit?usp=sharing

Video: Importance & Benefits of Sports on your health

While you are watching the video you should answer the following questions or complete the following chart: What do you think is positive about practicing sports? What do you think is negative about practicing sports? What do you think is interesting about practicing sports?  POSITIVE  NEGATIVE  INTERESTING Here you go the typescript to better follow the video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12JSb-4wr-pXKg95ij-6bMgLStieLo2t1K1BgdBjd76s/edit?usp=sharing

New Project!! A Sport Journalist

Hello everybody!! We are going to start a new project called A SPORT JOURNALIST. Remember to tag your posts with the hashtag #projectsportjournalist #iesmariaenriquez I hope you will enjoy this project!