Prepositions of Place

Before giving directions you need to practice the PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE.
Have a look to this picture

What's the difference between ABOVE and OVER? What about UNDER and BELOW?
Please, leave your comments!


  1. Above: things do not touch.
    For example: the plane passes over the houses.
    Above: things if they touch each other.
    For example: the book is on the table

  2. Below: refers to a place located just in the vertical of the speaker or object of difference.
    Example: the disco is under my living room
    Below: refers to any place located in the lower plane

  3. Look carefully to your examples @adriancito12!! Above or over? below/below?

  4. I think they above and over are the same and under and below also the same.
    I discoverd it by the drawings.(before he thought that over was down)

    1. he thought? He=él. Nunca uséis el traductor! jugad con lo que sabéis!
      above and over are not the same and below and under neither!

  5. I publiqued a post whit this prepositions translateds to help fot this activitie ^^

  6. above: above but not touching
    over: over touching

    low: low sin touching
    below: bass, playing

  7. up: on top of something but without touching it
    above: on top of something but touching

    low: under something but not touching
    below: dunder something but touch

    1. Diana, the differences are between ABOVE and OVER / BELOW and UNDER! up/low shouldn't be included

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. over- implies movember from one location to another - ex: a bird is flying my head
    above: imply only location not movement - ex: my neighbored lives above my flat

    below: situation the temperatures wore yesterday below normal in this season - ex: the average of the marks in this exam are below this year
    under: when an object is under another objects - ex: the cat is anther the chair

  10. the difference between above and over is one is above the thing ,This lamp on the table. The other is supported of the thing,the pen is on the table

  11. the difference of above and and over in what it means is that it is above, that it is above something, and above it is that it is above something.
    The difference of under and below, is that below is that it is under something, and that it is closer to it, instead it is below


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