Learning Diary 1: what is this? how we work on it?

After every lesson of this project, you need to write a Learning Diary. I recommend you to think about the evolution of the project and be honest. Tell your Diary what you are really learning (not what you are supposed to learn), which are the difficult aspects (clarify anything you don't understand before moving on) and value the group work (try to solve the problems you are having).

The following link takes you directly to your Learning Diary. You have to answer the four questions after every lesson in order to reflect on your learning process. Here you go the instructions in Spanish so that you can understand it properly.

1. Esto es un Google Document.
2. Abre el link.
3. Escribe la fecha (día/mes/año) en la parte de arriba y contesta las preguntas.
4. Pincha en "Share" (esquina superior derecha) y se abrirá una ventana.
5. En la parte superior de la nueva ventana, pincha en "Get a shareable link" y se generará un link para tu documento.
6. Pega el link en tu blog para compartirlo.
7. Cada día de clase abrirás el último documento que hayas publicado y le añadirás la fecha y la respuesta a las preguntas referentes a dicha clase.
8. En caso de duda, pregunta a tu profesor o compañeros!


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